Third Party Survey

Service Code : 005


What are Third Party Surveys?


Independent surveys are great to know what your customers/ employees/ suppliers think about you and your products. Done properly, surveys help in improving overall quality of the organizations and relationships with its various stakeholders. Surveys consists of well-designed questions related to concerned processes and conducted for variety of purposes. The most important aspect of a survey is to generate authentic data for statistical analysis.


QM Consultants - Making it easy for you


QM Consultants have experts who can help you in doing customer satisfaction surveys, Employee Satisfaction Survey as well as brand awareness surveys etc. The consultants from QM  would assess the needs, develop questionnaire, determine target audience and get the survey done with complete data integrity. We would also provide you with incisive reporting on the survey done. Easy and Simple!
Third Party Survey - Our Process


What are Third Party Surveys?


Independent surveys are great to know what your customers/ employees/ suppliers think about you and your products. Done properly, surveys help in improving overall quality of the organizations and relationships with its various stakeholders. Surveys consists of well designed questions related to concerned processes and conducted for variety of purposes. The most important aspect of a survey is to generate authentic data for statistical analysis.


QM Consultants - Why us?


QM Consultants have done more than 100 surveys done in the last 10 years. Our clients trust us when it comes to a need of understanding factors that are generally hidden. QM Consultants' budget friendly Third Party survey solutions are tailor made to address a specific universe and for a specific purpose. We can;


  •    do brand surveys, satisfaction surveys,  product surveys etc
  •     Our survey samples are carefully chosen
  •     Questionnaires are developed after studying the requirements in detail
  •     Our data integrity is fully reliable
  •     Our reporting is incisive and action oriented
  •     Method of data gathering is impartial
  •     Use easy to response questions without any leading questions




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